SilverStripe Metatags

Better metatags for your SilverStripe Projects.


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Better metatags for your SilverStripe Projects.

The module will add a $MetaImage to each page and a fallback $MetaImage to the $SiteConfig that will be used if no image is defined on a particular page (to avoid this behavior do not fill in the $SiteConfig.MetaImage in the CMS). It will automatically generate OpenGraph and Twitter meta tags based on pages $MetaDescription.


Install with composer:

composer require arillo/silverstripe-metatags

or clone the repo:

git clone

Configure the extension:

    Default: $Title / $SiteConfig.Title # Define the default <title> tag pattern. (Defaults to $Title)
    HomePage: $Title                    # Exception for the HomePage page-type
    ProductsPage: $Item.Title           # Pattern for a DataObject

Include the template in your <head>:


Be sure not to include $MetaTags in your <head>, the module includes it in the default template. To customize the rendering of the metatags copy the template to your project theme.

Why the X? Because $MetaTags was taken by the SilverStripe default metatags =).

Move the MetaDescription field inside the Meta Tab:

class Page extends SiteTree
    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        $medaDesc = $fields->dataFieldByName('MetaDescription');
        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Meta', $medaDesc);

        return $fields;

SilverStripe modules by Arillo

Made by Arillo in Berlin and Bern — Code license: MIT