Shows a preview of your dataobjects like the one you get for pages. Works for GridField and ModelAdmin. Works currently only for Versioned DataObjects.
Pending fix: If you switch to "Edit mode" you will not be able to show the preview again since the button gets removed. Will fix it soon.
For the preview to work you need to implement the CMSPreviewable interface on your DataObject and declare the methods Link, CMSEditLink and PreviewLink($action = null
PreviewLink is the only link we are interested for the preview to work. The DataObjectPreviewController will listen for this links to render your MyDataObject with the template in your theme/templates/*
class MyDataObject extends DataObject implements CMSPreviewable
private static $extensions = array(
public function PreviewLink($action = null){
return Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), 'cms-preview', 'show', $this->ClassName, $this->ID);
public function Link() {
public function CMSEditLink(){
SilverStripe 3.1 or higher
composer require arillo/silverstripe-dataobject-preview:1.0.*
You can overwrite the templates by placing them in the templates folder of your theme or in your mysite folder.
-> Container for MyDataObject
preview (Like the main
)Tip: If you are using silverstripe-gridfield-betterbuttons you can disable the dataobject preview links since they are no longer needed. Just add this to your config.yml.
BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: false
BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: false